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It's a Date

Nadia Parfan
2023 year
drama, action
No dialogue
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This is a story about the capital of the country in which a full-scale war is taking place, but life in all its manifestations does not stop. The film itself looks like a high-speed drive through Kyiv at dawn, shot in one shot. In the finale, when the car stops, we see a figure of a female driver in camouflage for the first time. She gets out and hugs a woman in civilian clothes. It's a date.

50% of the sale of the film will be donated to the volunteer organization of paramedics Hospitallers.

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Сreative group

Надія Парфан


Надія Парфан


Ірина Ковальчук
Ілля Гладштейн
Надія Парфан


Денис Мельник


Максим Волинець


Діана Берг
Олена «Тигра»


Chicken Kyiv Films
[email protected]

Film trailer «It's a Date »

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